It does not need to be. Hernia surgery is generally used to repair an abnormal protrusion of the intestine. There are two surgical methods that can be used to repair a hernia. Open or laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery requires one large incision. Through this incision, the abnormal protrusion is either pushed back, tied off or removed. This method leaves scars on the patient’s body and the patient can take somewhere around 3 weeks to recover. Laparoscopic surgery in comparison requires a few minor cuts. With the surgery taking 1-2 hours and the patient is able to resume their daily lives 2-3 days after the surgery. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but purely on the basis of which one is more painful, it would have to be open hernia surgery. To get laparoscopic hernia repair you can consult one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in India , Dr Mehli Nazir. DR. MEHLI NAZIR’S CLINIC : E: T :...